Entering Sampling Data

One of the chief purposes of a boring log report is listing the samples taken during drilling and how they were taken. This information is entered onto the tabulated subsurface section of the LOGDRAFT data entry screen (shown in this figure) along with your material descriptions, depths, etc.

Since every subsurface sample is taken at a specific depth, the data entry process for sampling data begins by entering the depth of the top of the sampling interval: if you already have a data entry card with that depth on it, use it; otherwise, use a blank data entry card. (This section gives some basic guidelines on how the program expects your depths to be entered.) Once you've entered the depth, on the same card enter the information on the sample (the sample type, length, testing information, etc.).

It is not necessary to use another card to enter the depth at the end of the sample -- when necessary, LOGDRAFT will deduce the end of the sampling interval by adding the length of the sample to the top depth for the sample.

Sampler Symbol Selection Dialog